enterprise software development

Enterprise Software Development: A step-by-step guide

You may have heard the term enterprise software before. What is enterprise software and how does its development differ from common software development?

A short definition: enterprise software is meant to fulfil the needs of an organization on behalf of an individual user.

Enterprise software has to be built in the context for which it is being used and is designed based on specific business goals. Every piece of enterprise software architecture adds to the overall aims of the business projects and will determine if they are successful or not. So, when developing enterprise software, the development team needs to keep every aspect of architecture in mind.

It is important for developers not to skip this fact, especially when considering all the development tools available. They need to make sure that they balance function with the impulse to innovate and produce something new.

What does Enterprise Software Development mean?

Enterprise Software Development (ESD) is planned to meet the needs of an organization and its business goals.

Enterprise software development is also known as Custom Software development. An example of enterprise software is an online payment system, product catalogues, systems integration or applications, a process automation tool, a quick project management tool, among others.

Enterprise software models mark the functioning of the organization, because once the software solutions or tools are obtained, they may originate new methodologies and processes.

In addition to setting the tone and offering business solutions, ESD aims to improve efficiency, productivity, and functionality.

Particularities and characteristics of Enterprise Software Development

ESD has certain aspects that characterize it:


The performance of enterprise software is implicit – this type of software needs to work well over all the areas in which it is required to work. This includes multiple aspects of the business projects as well as across all platforms, including mobile devices. We well know that companies are like clocks. If something does not work well, the essential component of the companies will be affected. Quality and accuracy are key.

This type of enterprise software is usually very demanding as it is used by many users simultaneously, and by different kinds of devices, ranging from desktop, mobile and sometimes can even be industrial. This high demand requires excellent performance from the software.

That’s why testing and quality control in ESD is more essential.


More than one user almost always uses enterprise software that is developed, and sometimes simultaneously. Sometimes this software even works through interconnected networks and usually interacts with other devices and software.If this fact is not respected in a software development project for a company, it can be very harmful to the internal processes of the organization that is using it. That’s why enterprise software must be well integrated with the usual workflow or improve it so much that it is not necessary to be integrated.


Cost covers the initial outlay and on-going maintenance, with most businesses key to see a return on their investment (ROI) as soon as possible. So, developers need to keep this in mind when building enterprise software.


Scalability is another quality of any software product and is an important difference between ESD and standard software. The main development architecture should allow for sudden growth while maintaining performance. If this does happen, this can stop the growth of the business.


Security is another key factor in enterprise software development, and often the most important.

Any kind of security leak or break can be potentially disastrous for a business. Security is a subject that requires investment, experts, and depth analysis. We are not only talking about the security of computer systems, servers, and programs. We are talking about cybersecurity for the users of the software or employees who use it, for the information it handles, but also security for all the devices that make up this network. Attacks by cyber-criminals are increasingly frequent and compromise data, information and also infrastructure. For any organization, regardless of size, security is a special concern and therefore tops the list of requirements in Enterprise Software Development.


Storage is critical and needs to be considered in detail in ESD.

Information must be stored in a way that it can be readily used in the future for audit, to measure quality and productivity, to determine improvements, business intelligence, etc.

The data must be stored and stored well. Because this is a low-cost back-up to costly physical data storage, many developers allow you to skip the lengthy process of acquiring, setting up, and maintaining database servers. Cloud storage has the advantage of lower cost as it means that organizations can purchase only the required elements upfront.

Cloud storage allows for easy collaboration with team members regardless of whether they are working remotely or in different physical spaces will all have access to the same base of information.

Discuss the best option for your organization with the technology expert that helps you develop the software.

Platform as a service:

Known as PaaS, this platform can carry out lots of the small and endless tasks used in developing software. A trader hosts the hardware, allowing the users to access these tools from anywhere they have an internet connection. PaaS developers can vary in size and scale but have the hosting tool and can maintain all applications.

Many PaaS services offer low cost options, allowing business to scale their usage for more overall services. PaaS is highly scalable and is also able to use the latest trending software, with the vendor taking the responsibility to upgrade the hardware and software.

Fast ROI:

The control of expenses in the software development for business is rigorous, and this includes an expectation of the return of investment (ROI) and the time it will take.

This factor can be measured with indicators such as productivity, business efficiency, and the impact of this on the overall budget .

In software development for business, the ROI cannot be long term. It should start in the short or medium term, and once it happens should be documented to calculate the profits of the software development.


Robustness is related to the definition, security and, interconnectivity is the strength of characterizes software for business.

Software must not only be developed with robust, reliable, and secure technology, it must comply with minimum security standards. Software must be compatible, version updatable, easy to access and manage for authorized persons, it must have a record of the functionalities, features and, processes it carries out and various qualities to make it robust software.


The tools designed for a business environment must meet the needs of various departments, teams, or employees of an organization. These software tools are usually customizable.

JavaScript frameworks:

This is one of the languages that is most suited to ESD and therefore used by some of the biggest well-known companies like Google, PayPal, and Netflix. JavaScript frameworks are very fast and perform well. It also provides a good user experience, which is another important aspect of enterprise software.

When used with frameworks, this will make reusable code that is suitable for business use. Software developers can build up large libraries of reusable bits of JavaScript frameworks that are easy to use and maintain. These can lead to better business software as they rely on bits of code that have been tested and used by others, helping to guide quality.


Microservices split the overall functions into small areas that operate independently from each other. This makes the enterprise application software geared towards flexibility and performance. Microservice takes expert software developers to make it work without complicating the architecture. And the distributed services execute and perform well without putting too much strain on one single area.

You can read and know more about these special features below.

Difference between Enterprise Software Development and New Software Development for a product

We have already mentioned the main difference between the development of software for start-ups or new products in relation to ESD. When it comes to start-ups, a new product is built to meet the needs of a specific individual or a group of people who have similar qualities in an environment of high uncertainty, while business software meets the needs of an organization. This software is designed for organizations, processes, work environments, and automation.

  • In normal software development a product is launched to a diversified public, which although segmented, have different thoughts, norms, and many personal reasons that may influence the way they use the product and feel about the product. In the development of enterprise software, the target with which we work is more stabilized, mainly because this tool is used in systemized processes, and regardless of the person who executes them have a form. In general, the interaction that different users have is very similar or the same.
  • Enterprise software tends to have a slightly longer life than normal software, and this is in relation to updates, versions, and improvements made over time. This is partly due to economic resources; in the estimate, you should plan some updates, and they are usually medium or long term. These applications are very well thought out and often do not need significant updates over time because what you are looking for is a more productive processes.
  • Software for business organizations is usually used to reduce costs or automate processes and for the organization to be more efficient and productive. Normal consumption software does not necessarily have this purpose.
  • Enterprise software manages and stores a huge amount of information and data that will be used for various purposes. This is why the subject of storage is crucial in this type of software development. This is not necessarily the case of normal software development.

Enterprise Software Development Process

The goal of Enterprise Software Development will depend on the specific business requirements unique to each company, but there are still some constants you can expect with the Enterprise Software Development process.

Step 1. Design

First, you need to review the strategy and how the application software will improve the lives of employees and clients. It’s important to set goals with specific standards, as this will give you an idea of the impact the application software should be having on your business.

For instance, how could a commercial real estate business firm improve day-to-day work for their employees? One way to do so would be with enterprise application software that accurately organizes a broker’s clients, complete with plan capabilities and alerts that remind the broker to follow up with a client. Remember, you’re looking for ways to improve the lives of your employees with functionalities and features that are customized to your industry.

Once you decide your business goals, the software development team can determine the functionalities of the application software. Based on this, they will create a design plan.

Step 2. Development

Once you understand what you want the enterprise application software to perform, the development phase begins. The software developer will write programs that meet the requirements for your application, always keeping in mind the needs of the users. Since the goal of enterprise software is to make work processes more streamlined for users, it’s critical the user experience (UX) is natural and seamless. The application should reflect the needs of its users and be user-friendly.

Ensure the application software is as efficient and as bug-free as possible. While there will always be possibilities for improvement as industry and market trends change, you want to be sure everything is running as smoothly as possible.

Step 3. Testing and Deployment

The next step is to thoroughly test the enterprise software application with modules that consider all the source code, documentation, and interactions within the software. The testing phase should be thorough, consisting of multiple tests to ensure the application software is working properly. The enterprise software should meet all your business goals while providing a smooth user experience. If it is not performing as wanted in any area, you will need to modify whatever element was not delivering and then test again.

After you’re satisfied with how the enterprise software is performing, it’s time to release it. Work with your software developer to determine the deployment timeframe. Once the software is released, it’s important to constantly test and update it to ensure it continues to meet your business goals and the needs of your users.

Make sure you set a timescale for every step of the enterprise software development process, including the design, development, and testing. You should also talk with your software developer to set a tentative release date for your software platform.

Ultimately, the enterprise software needs to satisfy users or employees in a way that makes everyone’s work easier and more efficient. Plus, the software development team you choose should be constantly updating the software to meet shifting consumer needs, changing business goals and to incorporate new products or services.

Best examples of Enterprise Software

An excellent example of business software or enterprise software is the workflow tools that work so effectively that some companies include them as an essential, built-in need of the company.

  • There are many examples of this type of business solution such as Trello and Slack, which were not designed specifically for your company, but offer the solution you are looking for. If you need to automate for example the tasks, management, and control of tasks, having a team that develops a tool similar to this one but specific to your business needs.
  • Another example is Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software. This type of business application software has a database of all customers and potential customers of your company along with their contact details. It also has detailed information of when you last made contact and the history you have with each customer.
  • Customize any business tool that automates your company’s process to increase productivity. Not all companies have the same business needs or perform the same activities. There are no limits when it comes to Enterprise Software Development.

ISH Technologies is ready to be your strategic Enterprise Software partner, providing the best results in creating business software that leverages the benefits of modern technology. We can provide end-to-end solutions for businesses of all sizes, using the latest technologies and software for best practices. If you are looking for dependable IT consultant or software partners to help you grow in an increasingly digitalized market, then get in touch with our team.


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