Logistics management software case study

Project Information

  • Category:Custom Job Scheduling and Management Software
  • LocationBrisbane, Australia


Their work processes required a number of critical forms to be submitted by staff including work orders, inspection checklists, hazard reports and job updates. This was all handled via a paper-based system resulting in the following challenges:

High cost to track and manage data.

High environmental impact from paper waste.

Reduced staff productivity


We built Demurrage Solutions a custom mobile platform with compatibility for all major Android & iOS devices. All relevant forms are now filled and submitted through the platform, completely digitising their old workflow.

We also digitised their Health & Safety documentation, time sheets and employee inductions, further streamlining their standard work processes.


Our custom management platform has completely converted Demurrage Solutions to a paperless organisation. This greatly reduces their impact on the environment while significantly increasing their business efficiency.

Enhanced mobile accessibility has reduced the time it takes Demurrage to invoice their clients and staff are more productive across the board due to having less friction in their processes.

Through Container packing and unpacking management software, ISH Technologies helped Demurrage solutions to track the progress of containers in real-time, without having to visit the site.

“In addition to no longer filling file cabinets with high volumes of paper forms, we are now able to get the information from job sites in real time. There is no more office data entry requirement. Plus, the data is easily accessible from anywhere, anytime”

Demurrage Solutions Co-Owner Peter Bryn-Holland

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