TabLogs is an Australian GeoTechnical Engineering start-up focused on bridging the process gap between drillers and engineers on worksites.
The founder of TabLogs identified an industry-wide problem, where many GeoTech companies were struggling to operate effectively because of clunky, paper-based systems.
For these companies, on-site reporting of geological conditions is essential and many still manage this process manually. For the employee, this involves creation of a paper status report during inspection, taking photos of the geo status and then combining these into a final report using excel once back at the office.
Manual processing of such information is a highly outdated concept, and for GeoTech companies it resulted in the following challenges:
Human errors were consistently made when manually creating the geo status inspection report on-site.
Inspections were highly time-consuming due to the manual creation of reports.
Photos taken in remote areas where network coverage was unavailable resulted in essential data missing.
Including photos of the geo condition in final reports was non-intuitive.
Essential information was delayed reaching the office.
Multiple people could not access the data simultaneously.
Staff and company productivity was heavily restricted.
TabLogs identified the opportunity to transform the inspection process in this industry and engaged us to collaborate on development of a new digital system.
We created a custom web-application that enables TabLogs users to perform and complete paperless geological inspections. Users can easily take and upload status condition photos, linking them directly to a particular investigation within the platform.
The application automatically captures specific details from a remote database in a single click and effectively tracks all interactions across the organisation.
A user-friendly web interface makes utilising TabLogs for digital inspections easy and the system can now also generate custom reports from the back-end, enabling the whole team with real-time data access.
The SAAS (software as a service) platform we developed with TabLogs has been incredibly effective in digitising inspections for GeoTech Engineering companies.
Our highly accessible application has provided employees in the industry with an optimised process, in which they no longer have to return to the office to physically deliver inspection documents. This enables employees to focus entirely on the important aspects of their job, while empowering them to be faster and more effective at them.
Using TabLogs, final reports are easily generated based on the uploaded information. This streamlines the reporting process greatly, simultaneously reducing the chance of human error.
Real-time data submission means that the progress of on-site drillers and engineers can now be monitored, resulting in greater accountability between staff and admin.
Importantly, data processing now happens without internet connectivity, ensuring that no essential data is ever lost and GPS coordinates tagged to uploaded data allow for report-ready site plans to be created in one click!