Moving Cars is a logistics company that provides long distance vehicle transport anywhere in Australia.
The company accepts bookings from all across Australia and found that they were having difficulty managing the onboarding process for new customers.Moving Cars needed a system that could manage instant customer quotes, based on fixed pricing details as well as tailored quotes from their staff. They also required custom reports to be generated based on bookings and the ability to automate emails to their customers.
Without an effective management system, Moving Cars found that they encountered the following challenges:
Quoting new customers was highly time-consuming.
Data from team members in various parts of the country was isolated and couldn’t be easily managed.
It was non-intuitive for customers to choose their method of transportation and receive accurate pricing.
Report generation was highly time-consuming.
Out of Hours bookings were particularly difficult to manage and were often delayed or unaccounted for.
Staff productivity was restricted and company time wasted on unnecessary tasks.
We performed a complete analysis and audit of Moving Cars’ current system and work processes. We used this information to design and build a new web-based application to fit their particular requirements and increase business efficiency.
Our custom software solution takes new customer information and automatically processes quotes based on encoded logic. When necessary, the system will request additional information from the team and use this to derive accurate pricing.
We ensured that our solution was integrated with Moving Cars’ email platform to enable them to send automatic updates to their customers when they fit certain requirements. This feature is used in a number of different ways across their workflow to streamline their processes and increase business efficiency.
The unique management system we created for Moving Cars has revolutionised the way in which their customers interact with their brand. The new more user-friendly interface makes it quick and easy for their customers to input transportation requirements and receive accurate quotes, while simultaneously enabling their team to more effectively manage bookings.
The applications' ability to automatically respond to customer queries allows for quoting to function effectively out of hours, enabling Moving Cars’ customers to make bookings at any time.
Bundled with these achievements were more secure payment methods as well as custom report generation capability, both features directly impacting their customer experience positively.
Through implementation of our custom software solution, Moving Cars is significantly more productive as a company and is now able to confidently onboard new customers where they were previously struggling!