mobile app prototyping

4 Benefits of Mobile App Prototyping

Benefits of Mobile App Prototyping

Mobile app prototyping is an interactive and functional working model of the final product. It provides design and navigation for testing by stakeholders to increase the effectiveness of this development process. Prototypes bring ideas to life and transform the creative vision into reality, to suit the needs of customers and the goals of an organisation.

Many new product ideas are unsuccessful because:

a) They don’t capture the ‘good idea’

b) They are not user friendly

c) The final result of the product does not live up to expectations.

Prototype design is a fast and inexpensive tool to validate a product:

Exploring New Ideas and Improvements

The app prototyping supports an idea, as well as the development of new ideas and solutions early on in the development process. Testing by the user at the prototype stage can help identify potential improvements that may occur before the product is finalised.

The prototype may be the basis of the product, modified according to the purpose of the project. During testing of the product, the user will trigger new ideas and confirm the direction in which it will be developed. This will allow for early solutions in the development process, that saves costs in the long run. Rather than discovering problems in the last stages of development, addressing problems at the beginning stage is much more cost efficient.

App prototypes allow more accurate examination and evaluation of the final deliverable.

Client and Stakeholder Involvement

Providing a prototype application for customers and stakeholders provides a more engaging sense of product development. Prototypes allow developers and designers to explore ideas and share ideas with both the customer and users.

Thus, the final product will reflect the company’s ideas and features, ultimately meeting the goals of a specific project. Access to all participants, including designers, stakeholders, and customers, will help you more thoroughly investigate problems and provide feedback to create a product that meets the needs of both the organisation and users.


The product must go beyond the theoretical stage for internal and external stakeholders. Before investing in a prototype it helps the stakeholder to ensure that the investment is going to bring value to the organisation. Prototyping design helps reduce uncertainties and demonstrates how the final product will work and provides investors with a wealth of data and value to evaluate their investment.

Market Validation

Creating a product that deeply interacts with customers is a challenging task. It’s easy to test the usability of an app, but harder to determine if there is a demand for it in the market, Running a prototype, through user testing assists with market validation.

According to a Localytics research, 22% of downloaded mobile apps are used only once, and 62% of app users completely gone within one month. It is important to reach a goal that keeps users by providing continual value other than the number of downloads made.

Measures such as app engagement, usage and lifetime value are the focus of attention after downloading the app. The app prototyping will validate the product in terms of market compatibility and user experience. This will save you costs before proceeding with future development.

Exploring and experimenting mobile application prototypes will result in better results and user-centered applications. New products often fail due to lack of demand, poor market research, and incorrect products.

However, prototyping avoids these common mistakes and ensures an effective and valuable product’s development.


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